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The Real Ghost Stories

The house was vacant. From 2003 until sometime in 2004, I would see a figure standing in my corner

It never did anything, just stood there

It didn't look transparent, but as though there was someone actually standing there

I tried to tell my family, but they were like, "So there's a man in your room? Is there a monster under the bed as well?" I remember what he looked like

He looked like Mr

Clean. One night in 2004, I was watching TV when I heard my oldest sister screaming

It was weird hearing her scream, because she was (and is) Gothic, and denounced being a girl, and I had never heard her scream before that night, so hearing her scream, I knew something had happened, so I ran to her room

She was crying on her bed (again, bizarre seeing)

Her stereo was all over the room. When she calmed down, she told me that she was listening to a cd, when all of a sudden it switched to the radio

It scanned through the stations as she tried to get it to stop

After a while, it rose off the shelf, levitated to the middle of the room, and shredded itself

It was an expensive stereo, and my stepfather, a lifelong skeptic, got mad at her when she wouldn't tell him "the truth" about what happened to it

He did admit it was weird that the stereo was ripped like that, because it was as though something ripped it like paper

My sisters started listening to me when I told them what was going on, and I told them the other stories, and more that I have forgotten with time

Now that they had their eyes open, they began seeing things happening from time to time. In 2006, my stepfather got a job offer in Alamogordo, New Mexico

We were going to move from Merkel, Texas to there, but first he was going to move ahead of us to get a house and everything set up

He left in May and we were to move in July

A couple weeks after he left, I was laying in bed reading when I heard his voice loud and clear shout my name from the kitchen

I was opening my door when I suddenly remembered he wasn't even home

In fact, no one was home

They had gone shopping. We were planning to move out of our home in the country to New Mexico in early July

So, naturally, we ended up moving on 5 August 2006

We traveled in two vehicles

My mom driving the Dodge Durango with one of my younger sisters, our dog Sally, and I, and my stepfather driving the U-Haul with my other sisters and little brother

As we were driving at night through the mountains of New Mexico, my mom said, "Didn't you say you experienced things in that house?" I was expecting her to make fun of me, but I said yes anyway

She said..."I would often see a man who sounded like Wayne and looked like Mr

Clean." My blood froze

She told me that she never watched movies with us in the living room because every time she did, there would be a figure of a little girl standing in the hallway looking at her...
